更多相关内容...>>如何使用asp上传HTML5 单input多文件
如何使用asp上传HTML5 单input多文件

Rr2Z46 http://www.numino.net
If you have a form which submits multiple values of the same form variable you can separate them as follows.
FTgLfk http://www.numino.net
For i = 1 to Request.form("myforminput").Count
gSK2Z6 http://www.numino.net
If Request.form("myforminput")(i) <> "" then
4Gv4r4 http://www.numino.net
Response.write Request.form("myforminput")(i) & "<br />"
VGZ4BU http://www.numino.net
End if
2ZpbfO http://www.numino.net
oct8CG http://www.numino.net
It might be worth trying the same approach - ie:
9VLIp1 http://www.numino.net
For i = 1 to (objUpload.Form("thefile").value).Count
QSX5m2 http://www.numino.net
If (objUpload.Form("thefile").value)(i) <> "" then
Dn7yhD http://www.numino.net
Response.write (objUpload.Form("thefile").value)(i) & "<br />"
2R9548 http://www.numino.net
End if
YBFFGX http://www.numino.net
qs4o1U http://www.numino.net
Because there's a third party component involved it may complicate things so I can't guarantee this will work. Check the component's documentation if it is available, particularly with respect to counting the number of files uploaded.
ExwT0s http://www.numino.net
更多相关内容...>>如何使用asp上传HTML5 单input多文件

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